Where do you feel stuck in your life and relationships? Spiritual direction, also known as spiritual companioning, offers support and tools for listening to the call of your soul. Spiritual direction offers sacred space for exploring difficult questions and heartfelt truths. Through shared reflection and guided spiritual practice, obstacles will clear, so that the next, most revitalizing steps forward can be found.  Spirit is always speaking, opening the way to meeting every challenge in soul-guided, life-giving ways. Let’s listen together.


Appreciation from Clients

“During the time I’ve worked with Rev. Cat, I’ve gone from being almost constantly anxious and unsure to relaxed and confident most of the time. My whole perspective is different. Today I know how to tune into the presence of Spirit and let it guide me.”

“Our work has been life-changing. I am more at peace with myself than I can ever remember being. I can’t thank you enough.”

“I finally understand what it means to be ‘spiritual but not religious’. I have tools now to put me in touch with the essence of who I am - and who I have the capacity to be.”

Charcoal drawing - BonnieClaire Hewitt

"As soon as you trust yourself, you will know how to live.” — Goethe